Friday, November 23, 2012

Sub for Episode 1 is up now!

After debating with myself for a while, I've decided to only upload the sub. I wanted to upload the hard sub so everyone can enjoy with ought having to download, but I didn't want to get banned from internet for copyright infringement. SO PLEASE prepare the video by yourself. I recommend you to download the original video(RAW) from the torrent I posted on the download page just so the timing will be right. If you want to hard sub, please do so on your own. And if you want to upload that vid on internet, you can, but I won't hold any responsibility at all. If you ever get banned or caught, I am totally not a part of it, so beware.
And about the spell check, now that I decided not to hard sub, if you ever used Aegisub to spell check, send the file to me and I'll use it to fix the problem and credit you for being a part of spell checking. So please do! The more spell checkers, the merrier... For other rules, please read my past posts.

So... here you go! Sub for Moomin Episode 1

And to watch the video with sub, download and install VLC Player then drag and drop both the Tanoshii Moomin Ikka original vid (episode one RAW) and the above .ass file(the sub file) at the same or about the same time on the VLC Player window, and viola! Enjoy the rest. For how to hard sub, please go google it, or I might post the tutorial later on.

The next episode should be a lot quicker. Sorry for letting you wait, but I hope you keep following and enjoy the show.

P.S. Please comment so I can improve! Let me know if the sub is hard to read, or that you want the karaoke on the opening and ending song. I will do my best to answer your requests.
